I guess this is just another one of those silly questions that I find myself asking.

So now its clear.

It must be a secret antitrust initiative developed by Burger King, Wendy's and all those who stand for alternatives from McDonalds.


At 11:34 AM 5/7/2006, you wrote:
Steven wrote..

Can someone please tell me what benefits society has received from collider research?

Howdy Steven,

Central Texas was to be the location of the super collider. Near Waxahachie, the 25 mile dia underground ring was to be the answer to everything how to get a Texan elected that got caught cheating at cards to proof of the "big Bang"( no reference to the Lincoln bedroom). Later, after the project was started and then scrapped, and the smoke cleared and the excavations refilled and the cost was tallied and the markers were called in and the stiffed got stiffed.. then the blame started. Supposedly Fermi Labs in Michigan felt they were dealt out of the game so they backed the French program which is to be the grandaddy of all colliders( even larger than a pileup on a Los Angeles freeway on a foggy morning.

For the poor old farmer that got pushed off his land here, the word super collider can get a good fight started in any Waxahachie beer joint.

Super Colliders are obsolete. period!! The science gained cannot match a Free Electron Laser (FEL). As any Duke U grad student can attest, except ,however, they are sworn to silence by D O D and NSA.. Are there any true secrets.. not hardly!. Duke bought their FEL including the science team from Russia. What has the FEL program produced to date?? We don't know because its under wraps. Rumor has it they can fry a burger without using McDonald's recipe..


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