At 06:06 pm 30/06/2006 -0500, Richard wrote:

>...... "everything is held together by the power of His Word".

> Richard

Or in technical terms, by Itereative Hierarchical Strain.   8-)

Howdy Frank,
 Not only is "everything held together by the power of His Word", the world's most technically correct science textbook also states.... " and it was good".          Now what is this "good " word supposed to mean?
Permanent magnets were openly discussed in the Vorts room. A magnet of this type is a most complete example of a true "vortex" in its function. The magnet has "poles", it has vortex " action" and it is " balanced". It is a good example of "good". <grin>
A vortex produces an "upward" flow on its periphery while it produces a "downward" flow at the face off the inner eyewall.The actions taing place inside the inner eyewall is Beta A. The base is  not actually a "base"  but an entrance and exit to its "balanced" opposite... hmmm". Does this describe a torus ring? No. A torus ring only describes a single function of a vortex.
The meaning of "the heavens rolled up like a scroll " sounds remarkably like the actions of a "spiral" which is again .. only a single function of a vortex.


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