----- Original Message ----- From: "Edmund Storms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Vo]: OFF TOPIC How to deal with terrorism

. For
example, we supported the Shaw of Iran even though he was a very unpopular dictator. When he was thrown out by popular revolution, we did everything we could to intervene.

At least one reason the US supported the Shah of Iran is that he allowed the US to establish secret listening posts near the Soviet missile test ranges, where intercepted signals gave clues to the status and caapability of Soviet missiles. It was so easy fot US dimplomats to be cozy with the Shah and his entourage and ignore reports about this obscure Ayatolla. Some US private interests supported early White Russian rebellion against the communists, earning decades of distrust of the west.

In the end, the US faced down the communist empire by military challanges it could not match, and it collapsed switftly. Would those no so critical of the US prefer the scenario of the domination of a command economy?

And, yes, Soviety power in Afghhanastan had to be opposed, as it seems the Islamic extremists as well.

We continue to miscalculate the consequences of our actions -- but somehow US popular culture is well received in many places, if not the 'thinking people' everywhere.

Mike Carrell

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