A selected history of expectation bias in physics.    M. Jeng,
  Am. J. of Physics, July 2006
    The beliefs of physics can bias their results toward their
    expectations in a number of ways.   We survey a variety of historical
    cases of expectation biase in observations, experiments, and

  Rethinking peer review

Note that in the first article, the author says "If the reader knows of
any cases of expectation bias, either historical or recent, in their own
fields, I'd love to hear about them."

(And I'd like to hear more examples myself!)

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William J. Beaty                http://staff.washington.edu/wbeaty/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Research Engineer
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                UW Chem Dept,  Bagley Hall RM74
206-543-6195                    Box 351700, Seattle, WA 98195-1700

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