Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:

thomas sez:

I just heard Fox news say that the NK did detonate an atom bomb. Last
night Hal Lindsey mentioned the 550 ton yield. Since the critical mass

We can speculate till we're all glowing blue with radiation regarding Kim
Jong's alleged predilections. Perhaps he does like his Scotch and wine.

I was making the point that Kim's decision to shoot off an atom bomb or two, seems like the action of a lunatic. For one thing while our ground forces are tied up, our naval and sea forces aren't. For another thing, the Japanese Samari were sound asleep, and he woke them up. OTOH, as long as the Chinese are willing to tolerate his nonsense, I doubt that anything will be done.

BTW, Kim's behavior is well documented. Have you ever heard about his having people kidnapped and forcing them to acquiesce to his whims? This includes young women, and a film producer. .

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