Here's what I've been able to glean from their site.

It is self-powered. There is no input.

They won't do demos because, they say, they'll be 
put down as conmen unless a jury of reputable
scientists confirms the OU.

They'll announce their first products the day the jury
announces its verdict.

They have said they continue to file applications for
patents on different implementations of the basic

The basic configuration is simple.

My guess is that if somebody versed in the art were to
have even a cursory look at the device, he could go
home and build his own. That's just a guess, but it
would explain their reluctance to demo it. To put it
another way, whatever good their demo did for them
would be outweighed by everybody and his brother
copying the device and beating them to the market.

They're not struggling or dying for public
recognition. The CEO says they used the economist ad
and the early interviews to get scientists to take up
their challenge. Now that that has been accomplished,
they don't need publicity.

>From what I can see, they are doing nothing to seek
publicity; there is almost zero media mention of them
these days.

They claim to have a 550bhp motor, and have tested the
effect for three years. A measurement error seems very

The CEO says no device has stopped running unless a
mechanical part wore out or they shut it down.

They are fully funded and do not need investors to
bring the device(s) to market. The CEO has said they
will not accept investment money.

Steorn have not 'come out of nowhere', at least in the
sense of being a bona fide company, with a track
record of accomplishment.
That goes, too, for the CEO, who has been an engineer
since 1989. They have about 20 full-time employees and
several consultants. Their engineers all have
university degress, some of them advanced degrees

An independent observer has visited their offices,
which she describes as extensive and well-guarded,
seen documentation on a couple of the jurors, and
confirmed that they are reputable scientists.

She has seen a video of the CEO of a European
manufacturing partner of Steorn's as he assembled a
test device and started it running. He said, in the
video, that he left it running over a weekend and when
he returned it was still running.

She looked him up on the internet, and found a picture
of him on his company's website. It was the same man
she saw in the video.

You say:
[**magnetic overunity [or magnets with coils,
pendulums, or some combination of mechanical recycling
of torque with a magnetic boost] will probably be
demonstrated by someone next year - 2007 ! as there
are many groups who are on the verge now. MPI would be
expected to have something next year and/or Sprain in

You think MPI is 'on the verge', but they've been 'on
the verge' for years, and have continually asked for
more money, and have demonstrated nothing.

Sprain has demonstrated nothing that is OU, but
promises to do so soon.

I don't see how you can speak respectfully of those
outfits while deprecating Steorn's claims. You
complain that Steorn has demonstrated nothing, but
neither has MPI or Sprain. It's almost as if you
require 10 times the proof from Steorn that you do
from anyone else.

You also say:
[**Steorn does not yet have the "tin cup" stretched
out -- as the less-sophisticated scammers like to do

It sounds like you are flat-out calling them scammers.

Jones Beene wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- From: Esa Ruoho
>> they can't say why  its  overunity - who would
believe them? that's 
>> why they went public and are picking out a row of
skeptical scientists 
>> to prove once and for all if its overunity or not.
> Forget all that. Can you answer the single critical
issue of self-power 
> (or lack thereof) ?
> If a self-powered unit exists now - where is it? -
regardless of any 
> explanations/ skepticism - a self-powered unit is
all the evidence which 
> in needed by anyone, skeptic or not.
> Why not just call the BBC in to film it running
under self-power, while 
> those supposedly skeptical scientists are debating
the underlying 
> modality, which is probably related to ZPE/Casimir
in some fashion? Is 
> that too much to ask from a company which is
seemingly struggling and 
> dying for public recognition - and paying dearly for
much of it instead 
> of putting those resources into development ?
> Let me say at the outset - that magnetic overunity
[or magnets with 
> coils, pendulums, or some combination of mechanical
recycling of torque 
> with a magnetic boost] will probably be demonstrated
by someone next 
> year - 2007 ! as there are many groups who are on
the verge now. MPI 
> would be expected to have something next year and/or
Sprain in Atlanta, 
> and five or six lesser and "fringier" efforts which
include Perendev, 
> Minato, Torbay and Steorn etc. I would put Steorn
firmly at the tail end 
> of this list, due solely to the way they have
handled the announcement - 
> but a single self-running demo will immediately
change that. Not that it 
> matters. Proof - not PR - is all that matters.
Self-running = Proof.
> If Steorn were not so PR-oriented - and highly
desirous of every 
> kind-word of public recognition - why else did they
announce this in 
> such an expensive way, characteristic of a PR blitz
(or the "Czech 
> Dream") ? shouldn't a company which apparently has
not paid their 
> corporate licensing fees have saved the 100,000
pounds for the expensive 
> advertising and just called up Oxford/Cambridge for
a private showing? 
> It just does not make sense - the way they have
handled it, unless they 
> have been hired to do it as a stunt of some kind.
Maybe Branson or some 
> other drama-queen is hiding in there somewhere.
> Apparently (or if) it is not a self-runner, then
that narrows the issue 
> considerably, as **measurement error** is very
common in this type of 
> device. Almost anyone here, especially the
"consultants" - if that was 
> said in a derogatory fashion - could have explained
this issue of likely 
> measurement-error to Steorn - and in great detail.
That is, had Steorn 
> not "come out of nowhere" --- which is yet another
problem for their 
> credulity. There is a community of creative but
careful scientific 
> people involved heavily in this field, and no one at
Steorn was not part 
> of it - prior to recently.
> And look at the wasted time. Steorn has wasted
infinitely more precious 
> time with mundane PR details, endless press
questioning and facility 
> tours, etc then a single BBC filming would have
accomplished on day-one  
> ---IF---  Steorn has a device which will self-run.
If not - the most of 
> us will agree that it is likely measurement error.
> Skeptics who want to go on record with the "told you
so" thing should be 
> focusing solely on that issue: is it self-running or
not. If it is not, 
> then Steorn has a monstrous problem on their hands
and will probably 
> look like fools in the end.
> Plus - did not someone at Steorn actually claim that
they had a device 
> self-running for an extended period, but that they
could not show it for 
> some strange reason --- like it had been
disassembled to make an even 
> better model !
> Ha! Sounds very much like the English crank
scientist who claimed to 
> have invented an anti-gravity device but he cold not
show it to the 
> skeptics because his wife had inadvertently turned
it on - and it 
> blasted through the roof of his home and escaped
into space ! He could 
> show the hole, however.
> Suspension of disbelief has its limits.
> Jones
> (not a Steorn skeptic yet -- just stating the
obvious inconsistencies 
> with their story, and the sad way in which they have
handled what could 
> be a monumental discovery, if it could be believed)
> Let me repeat - This is NOT the way science - even
fringe-science is 
> handled, and that is why all the suspicion is
warranted - even though 
> Steorn does not yet have the "tin cup" stretched out
-- as the 
> less-sophisticated scammers like to do early-on.

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