In reply to  Mike Carrell's message of Wed, 3 Jan 2007 10:02:20 -0500:
>A quick look at Hydro Hub suggests that the focus of the interest is 
>essentially reverse osmosis for purifying sea water. Already large scale 
>plants provide fresh water for the desert oil empires. Fresh water is going 
>to be a major issue in this century, as important in the Great Game as oil, 
>and it requires lots of energy to produce. China's 500 coal fired electric 
>plants can be new targets of environmental worrry instead of the US. winds 
>will ship the air pollution eastward but will not provide drinking water 
>which Hydro Hub might provide from seawater with electric power from 
>polluting coal.
Reverse osmosis may superficially appear cheaper than distillation, but in fact
it isn't if one uses one's brains. When coal is burned, 1/3 of the energy goes
into producing electricity, and 2/3 goes up the chimney. Then part of that 1/3
is used for reverse osmosis. If the 2/3 were used for distillation instead, then
the fresh water yield would be higher, the water would be purer, and you would
still have all of the 1/3 available for other purposes.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

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