> Terry Blanton wrote:
>> On 2/2/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> If M-theory were even 1/10 as negative as you feel then the physics
>>> community has fallen because a great deal of the top physicists around
>>> the world are working on it.  It does indeed predict and seems
>>> promising, which is why they are spending so much time and money on it.
>> Naaa.  It's because Lisa Randall is working on it:
>> http://www.physics.harvard.edu/people/facpages/randall.html
>> And her sister is why so many people are studying computers:
>> http://www.math.gatech.edu/~randall/
> I'd hardly consider her the reason.  There are far too many bigger fish
> working on M-theory than Lisa Randall.  Umm, Ed Witten for one, lol.
> Regards,
> Paul Lowrance

Keeping the universe neat and tidy is women's work.



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