Michel Jullian wrote:

The more solar power we get, the more we must reduce, or at least stop 
increasing, the ability of the planet to retain the heat.

and later:

Correction: until our non solar heat output (=  non renewable energy 
consumption) becomes sizable compared to the solar input, as previously 

----- Original Message ----- From: "thomas malloy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 07, 2007 8:37 AM
Subject: [Vo]: Climate Change

This assumes that we can do anything about the amount of heat retained by the planet. You know what happens when you assume? Dr. Ball also pointed out that plant growth is stimulated by an increase in CO2 levels, and that the plant's water requirements are decreased, which is an interesting observation.

The point of this exchange is:
A: there's no point in getting exercised about something that you can't change,
B: the system has self correcting factors built into it,
C: the hysterical global warming crowd has a hidden agenda and they are willing to enforce political correctness on the scientific community, climate scientists who descent from the P C line are cowered into submission by the with holding of research funds, tenure and passing grades, D: the hysterics dismiss people like me as lacking the credentials to comment on the matter, and they aren't willing to debate people like Dr. Ball who has the credentials.

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