Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

> In reply to  Wesley Bruce's message of Mon, 12 Feb 2007 00:22:44 +1100:
> Hi,
> [snip]
>> Harry Veeder wrote:
>> We are still a long way away from electric air craft with two
>> exceptions. Solar electric drones or airships and hybrid aircraft. If
> There is no need for electric planes at all. Chemists can easily make jet fuel
> from Biological energy sources, though perhaps not very efficiently.
> Furthermore, using betteries in cars would free up lots of existing
> hydrocarbons
> for use in jet fuel. Consequently jets will probably be the last remaining
> users
> of hydrocarbons. At least until we conquer anti-gravity, at which point they
> will also be replaced, because AG craft can be powered from an electrical
> source, which in turn can be derived from CF. Of course something like a
> NERVA/jet engine cross, where the power is supplied by CF might also eliminate
> hydrocarbon consumption in jets.
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

There something called magneto-hydrodynamic propulsion for submarines.
Is that similiar to this NERVA/jet engine?


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