Michel Jullian wrote:

I say kudos too. But plug-in hybrids or CF wouldn't qualify I am afraid. Unless I misunderstood the rules, what Branson is after is a technology to pump the CO2 out of the atmosphere, not to reduce emissions.

Huh. I am not surprised, but that's silly. The two are functionally equivalent. It is like making a distinction between filling a leaking bucket faster or plugging the hole -- or between giving a person a "tax break" or handing him a check from the government. If you reduce emissions enough, nature will pump the extra CO2 out of the atmosphere soon enough.

The best method to "pump" CO2 out of the air is obvious, in any case. You reforest large areas of formerly verdant land. This solves many problems at the same time. Reforestation of desert areas has lately been making more progress than people predicted. See:


"In Niger, Trees and Crops Turn Back the Desert

GUIDAN BAKOYE, Niger ­ In this dust-choked region, long seen as an increasingly barren wasteland decaying into desert, millions of trees are flourishing, thanks in part to poor farmers whose simple methods cost little or nothing at all.

Better conservation and improved rainfall have led to at least 7.4 million newly tree-covered acres in Niger, researchers have found, achieved largely without relying on the large-scale planting of trees or other expensive methods often advocated by African politicians and aid groups for halting desertification, the process by which soil loses its fertility. . . ."

- Jed

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