Hi John,


Building a nanomachine or a space elevator is hardly near the scale of
changing the Earth’s climate.  In case you are not aware, volcanism and
seismicity have been increasing steadily in the past 6 years.  There are
many volcanoes that have not erupted for over 10,000 years, which are just
now erupting again.  In the past year, there have been three M6 earthquakes
in the Gulf of Mexico, an M7+ quake in Mozambique, and the Ethiopian rift
zone spread by dozens of feet right before the eyes of scientists, just to
name a few major Earth change events.  You have little appreciation for the
magnitude of momentum Earth changes carry.  The climate is just one factor
of many, which are interrelated, and it all traces back to the Sun.
However, there is a new wildcard in play.  Our solar system just entered an
Interstellar cloud about nine years ago and we won’t be leaving it for
10,000 to 50,000 years.  


Contrary to the myths purveyed by Al Gore and the IPCC, the climate is not
just a matter of CO2 balance.  People who buy into this great deception are
incredibly naïve and ignorant.  The current global warming debate appears to
be some kind of intentional misinformation campaign to divert people’s
attention from the real underlying mechanics presently in motion.  There is
nothing we can do to stop the present cycle of change, but we can prepare
for the damage that will occur.  


Not everybody will survive, that is a given.  Wasting our money and
resources trying to bail out a sinking ship with a teaspoon is not the
solution.  We should be staffing the life rafts and gathering our
provisions.  To keep the ship from rolling over we might increase
survivability by blowing the hull.  We could take a lesson from Noah, who
was one of the few who understood the severity of the problem, last time.


There is no point in arguing when everyone is so certain his or her own
knowledge is complete.  I have presented a lot of very interesting
information on the Terracycles site for anyone who is interested.  I have
learned loads more in the five years since.  I’m spending my time doing what
I can to prepare, not only for myself, but for future generations.  If you
want to waste your time trying to reduce CO2 emissions, when they should be
increased, that is up to you.


BTW, why do you think our society has developed into a huge fossil fuel
consuming civilization when liquid metal fast breeder reactors have been
around since the 1940s?  Why do you think all those energy saving and free
energy inventions have been suppressed over the past 100 years?  Why do you
think the UFO phenomenon is always debunked, even when there is obvious
photographic and physical evidence of its existence?  People (or beings) far
more influential than us have been aware of the coming Earth changes for a
long time.  We are mere cows on a huge farm concerned about who poops where
while our overlords are looking at our market value.  Just take a deep
breath and reflect on the greater picture.  We can’t change the fact that
the Earth is changing, but we can keep the human species alive if we put our
minds to it.




Make an elevator to geosynchronous (I assume?) orbit.
Make nano machines

Both of those may even be near future. 

For the somewhat more distant future there are thoughts such a traveling to
distant stars and beyond.
Dyson spheres.
Tippler time travel by rotating a stack of neutron stars and other stellar

And of course terraforming other planets.

So obviously it IS  possible, it is within man's grasp to either correct the
current greenhouse gas problem and or stop any adverse global weather

How easy or difficult depends on how such a goal is achieved, how subtle and
sophisticated or ingenious the techniques used are, for instance I  believe
in cloud busting and other such environmental engineering by the subtle
energies of nature that I suspect many in here would reject, needless to say
it could be achieved more easily this way than by a brute force method but
either way it plainly IS possible. 

On 2/17/07, David Thomson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi John,

> Obviously it can be stopped, saying otherwise is foolish.

Obviously it cannot be stopped.  It has already happened a dozen times in
the past 120,000 years.  What makes you think we are special and climate 
change was not going to happen to us?



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