Jed wrote:

That brings up another important point. This administration
is incompetent ...  So why does anyone imagine that this
administration is capable of orchestrating and carrying out
the largest deception in history, and magically persuading
thousands of top experts all over the world to go along
with the cover up? ...

Hi All,

As the Bible says, "By their works you shall know them."
The Bush family, along with the Saudi's, makes more money
as the price of oil goes up.  See Craig Unger's book:
"House of Bush, House of Saud," They apparently don't care
that the Iranians and Venezuelans also make more money.

Oil futures peaked at an intraday high of $78.40 on July
14, 2006, but averaged $66.25 for 2006, compared with
$56.70 in 2005 and $41.47 per barrel in 2004.

Now, a world oil glut appears to be developing. So Bush
will have to bomb the Iranian oil fields in order to
achieve an average 2007 price of $80 per barrel. This
will be part of the effort to destroy Iran's nuclear
capabilty. The new head of CENTCOM, Admiral William Fallon,
is well qualified to accomplish this.

Incompetence is in the eye of the beholder.

Jack Smith

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