Say what???  Who's buying whom here?

And how is Shadow going to raise 2M$ in working capital, I wonder?

This sounds reminiscent of something we heard last year about D2Fusion, doesn't it? Some deal was going to go through, also contingent on someone raising a quantity of working capital from someplace unspecified. Or am I just confused?

Hi Stephen,

No, I don't think you are confused. Off the top of my head, my recollection was that Russ George announced that his company, D2Fusion "had been acquired/purchased for $2M." (In the course of my investigation, I found that it appeared that there was no $2M cash, but Monopoly money in the case of debentures and stock.)

But now, the story is much, much different. His "company" is for sale again and this time, Shadow does not make any claims to acquire D2Fusion for $2M, but it promises to find it somewhere....

Clear as mud?


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