leaking pen wrote:
not a skeptic, but, with the flow inside and out of the girder almost
even, that one looks more like it sheared off at an angle, and then
molten metal dripped over it.

Exactly. Anyone who says the NIST report somehow eliminated thermite as contributory agent is seriously in error. They never considered it at all. From the NIST site:

Did the NIST investigation look for evidence of the WTC towers being brought down by controlled demolition? Was the steel tested for explosives or thermite residues?

Answer: NIST did not test for the residue of these compounds in the steel.

IOW the only tests which were done looking for residue of thermite- those of Steven Jones FOUND thermite residue. Did he plant that residue there?

Here is the only scientific report ever to consider the details of a contributory agent:


But the report is careful not to say that there was thermite present since NO AGENCY including NIST had ever tested for the residue.

Steven Jones was the first to test for it - and he found it.

Not conclusive - but once again - it is making the case to reopen the shoddy NIST investigation with a true scientific investigation

and, as someone that uses the stuff, that is NOT what thermite
leftovers looks like.

Hmm. Would you care to explain that.


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