I would like to reconsider the tubular lifter experiment which I mentioned
last week.

The upper positive wire produces a positive ion cloud beneath so they repel
each other. If I have understood the EHD account correctly, the force of
repulsion is predicted to be greater than the force of attraction between
the upper positive wire and the lower negative tube. As a result there is a
net force upwards and the lifter rises. The tendency of the lower negative
tube to be pulled upwards does not contribute to the net upwards force.

Now, when the lifter is stationary the tube will be elevated by its
attraction to the positive wire and ions. However, as seen on the video even
as the lifter accelerates the tube remains elevated. While this is
happening, the structural design of this particular lifter makes it
logically impossible for the upper wire to be credited with lifting all the
components. Based on that premise a force analysis will end in circular
reasoning. Therefore the lower tube must be credited with all or at least
some of the lifting force. This is inconsistent with EHD theory.

I am not in the possession of any conventional, mysterious, or silly
explanation of why this is so. I am just arguing that the behaviour of the
parts and some basic logic suggests that it so.


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