On 3/3/07, Stephen A. Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

John Berry wrote:

> It is the only possible model as SR is illogical

Well, that sure shoots down SR.

SR has many logical inconsistencies, you can't not be aware of this.
There are many situations where SR simply can't work though I can't think of
anything less fun than discussing these issues with someone who seemingly
has no interest is the subject because if you did you would agree rather
than quip.

>     If so, how you do you account for the results of the
>     and Sagnac experiments in your model?  These two brought down the
>     "classical" aether theories, along with the ballistic theory.  (Or
>     you deny that MMX actually got a null result?)
> Oh boy, do your own research.

OK, I guess that answers the question.

I guess you didn't read the next part where I did in fact go over the
reasons why the MMX in no way disproves an entrained aether.

You seem to be more interested in cheap shots than science or truth.

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