Hi John,

> I have a list of Yes/No questions at the bottom if you could please take 1
minute to answer them.

> We agree that there is a fluid aether which is matter entrained and
apparently on some other points too, I have the experimental side, you have
the model covered so let's make an effort as we might both come out of it
better off. 

I will listen to any experiment that has been performed, and examine the

> BTW I am aware also of the beta atmosphere theory, did you find it had
significant agreement with your model?

I don't believe I am aware of the Beta Atmosphere theory.  Where can I read
about it?

> Well if your work doesn't simply explain the mundane but give real
experimental 'how to' with regard to Antigravity and Free Energy then I am
very interested, does it? 

Yes, I explain briefly in my book how lithium, tritium, deuterium, and a
specific list of other isotopes can be used to produce free energy by
causing resonance within these particular atoms.  

I also show the precise working of the Casimir effect and how it can be
tapped to produce unlimited energy (just as the Universe already does).  

Both of the above processes are actually identical, except the first applies
to the physics of the proton and the second applies to the physics of the

> I am seriously interested but I'm going to have a hard time getting
anything practical out of your paper it would seem, it appears to be written
to convince academics but I'll give it another shot, still I'd love the crib
notes version or simply the answers to the questions I asked, here is a list
of yes/no questions that shouldn't take to long, ones you have already
answered are omitted: 

The theory I am presenting is not a philosophy, channeled material, or
something I deciphered off a crashed UFO.  This is real physics, based upon
real (simple algebra) math.  It is a fact of science that if you want to
understand it, you have to learn it.  There is nothing difficult about the
Aether Physics Model.  All you need to do is take it one step at a time.  If
you want, I could provide a simple course of the theory based upon A New
Foundation for Physics, as a series of lectures.  You could ask relevant
questions about the material with each posting.  

> Does it explain the vast majority, or at least a number of the FE and AG
devices to numerous to list? Y/N

Yes, it explains all the devices.  Every one of them has to do with
resonance and the Casimir effect.  This is easy to see when you understand
the basics of the theory.

> Can the aether be motivated to flow through matter by:
> Being entrained by moving magnetic field? Y/N
> Being entrained by moving electric fields? Y/N

Yes to both.  I actually have a project lined up to do this with magnetic
fields.  It can also be done with gravitational fields, and in fact, nature
does it all the time.

All three force fields (electrostatic, electromagnetic, and gravitational)
share the same quantum unit.  This is why "antigravity" effects can be
produced through electrostatic or electromagnetic processes.

> Does anything special happen if aether flows at 90 dgrees to other aether
flows? Y/N

Aether would normally flow as a vortex (hence my interest in this list).  I
have not considered the situation of 90* Aether flows, per se.  

> If it is made to move through matter will spins be aligned? Y/N

It depends on how the Aether is manipulated.  But yes, spins are entirely
dependent upon the Aether.  The Aether is the source of all subatomic spin.

The spin aligned Aether is no different from the electric or magnetic field.
Magnetic fields (spin aligned Aether) will tend to align the spins of
matter, and matter will tend to align the spins of Aether.  Matter, being
bound by the strong force (which is the same as the electromagnetic force)
and encapsulated by Aether, is in a tug of war with empty spin aligned
Aether units in the immediate environment.  I could go into much more detail
on this.

> Will fields (magnetic, electric, spins/torsion) of the matter be carried
on the aether? Y/N

That is the only place they exist.  Each subatomic particle is encapsulated
by an Aether unit.  The Aether unit is what gives the subatomic particle its
electrostatic charge.  The angular momentum of the dark matter, which is
encapsulated by Aether and thus becomes visible matter, interacts with the
conductance of the Aether and produces strong charge (electromagnetic
charge).  All charge transactions take place in the Aether, there is no
other way to do it.

> Can the aether be compressed? Y/N

The Aether can be compressed and decompressed (stretched) by a factor of two
either way.  When matter causes compression by a factor of two, the
surrounding Aether fabric is stretched by a factor of two.  At exactly two,
the Aether encapsulated by the matter rips apart from the immediate Aether
fabric and implodes.  The implosion causes the encapsulated angular momentum
to release as dark matter (neutrinos) and the charges associated with the
Aether rejoin to return to a state of unity, thus ending the Aether's
existence.  Modern physics calls this a black hole.  However, the black hole
does not exist for long periods of time as modern physics suggests, but
completely evaporates within seconds or minutes.

> If the aether is compressed in an object will an antigravity type force or
a reduction in weight result? Y/N 

Not necessarily.  The so-called weight reduction occurs when a bubble of
Aether is dissociated from the surrounding Aether fabric.  It is like a soap
bubble cutting off a region of air from the surrounding atmosphere.  The
flying triangles likely use this technology.  I am building a power supply
for a flying triangle.  The first step is to build Tesla's Wardencliffe
system in miniature, which I have finished building and am now tuning.  

The Wardencliffe style power supply is a perfectly tuned Tesla coil with the
secondary and primary capacitor grounded to an uncoupled extra coil.  The
extra coil is build to be as perfect a Helmholtz resonator as possible,
except instead of resonating air molecules it is resonating electrons.  The
flying triangle has three such extra coils mounted on a vehicle in which the
entire skin is the ground connection.  When the system is put into
resonance, it creates an Aether bubble around the vehicle.  By changing the
impedance in each of the extra coil ground connections the bubble can be
made to maneuver through the surrounding Aether.

Since the space-time (Aether) inside the bubble is no longer connected to
the surrounding environment, there is no gravitational force between the
Earth and the vehicle.  The vehicle is essentially weightless and easy to

> Is acceleration/deceleration relative to the matter entrained aether the
source of inertia? Y/N

Inertia is simply the dimension of mass.  It is a property that preexists
physical existence (just as is length, quantum frequency [time], and
charge), therefore these dimensions cannot be understood in terms of
physics.  To expect inertia to be understood in terms of physics would be
like expecting red blood cells to be understood in terms of humans.  The red
blood cells make up humans, humans don't make up red blood cells.
Similarly, dimensions make physical existence, physical existence does not
make dimensions.  Acceleration, deceleration, and matter are properties of
physical existence, not dimensions.

> Can matters coupling to the aether be varied for instance by having a
capacitor charged or uncharged? Y/N

Yes and no.  Matter's coupling to the Aether can be altered in a nuclear
binding (among protons and neutrons), which explains the "mass deficit"
observation.  However, with regard to capacitors and electrons on them, the
effect governing it is the Casimir effect.  By charging and discharging
capacitors we can create new photons (not virtual photons, but real
photons).  The photons are created when a new Aether unit is created, which
absorbs dark matter.  The photon can then be absorbed by the capacitor plate
and converted to an electron via the photoelectric effect.  If a load is
placed between the plates, the electrons can be put to work, thus making
room for more new photons and electrons.

We see this occurring all the time in vacuum tubes, solar corona, nebulae,
auroras, and many other instances.  These new photons and Aether units are
the reason why the Universe appears to be expanding.  All the new matter is
created mostly on the outside of galaxies, while all the old matter implodes
at the center of galaxies.  It is like a bathtub with the faucet on while
the plug is pulled, which causes the galaxies to spin inward toward black
holes, and away from each other (Hubble constant).  

> If aether is made to move through matter in an accelerating manner
(perhaps as a beam shot out of a device) would a gravity like impulse be
felt? Y/N  (Morton, Podkletnov, ATGroup device the name of which alludes me
among others, see also 90 degree effect for how they created the impulse) 

I don't know, but it is easier to find out than you presently imagine.  You
are familiar with the tornado in a can?  We can build the same thing using
magnetic fields rather than air molecules.  I'm presently building a power
supply for this device.  Then I will build the rotating magnetic field
generator, which will create a magnetic field tornado in a can.

> Would a non rotating ring act as a gyroscope if the aether was made to
move through the ring in a circular manner? Y/N (as experience by Steve
Mark's where a gyroscopic force of precession is noticed if the axis it

If the Aether is moving in a circular manner then you have a rotating
magnetic field.  This is an interesting proposal, which I have not thought
of, but will now consider.  

> BTW the only one that I am unsure about personally if the issue of spins
being aligned, however there is evidence so that also tells you some of what
I have discovered.

The Aether is a two spin, five-dimensional, quantum rotating magnetic field.
If the Aether units are aligned to produce a magnetic field, then the spins
are automatically aligned.  Probably the only example of a perfectly aligned
matter/Aether structure is a dense neutron star just on the verge of

> Ok, off to read just the first paper again but somehow I think it will
answer little of the above so your answers would be greatly appreciated. 

You treat me with respect, I'll treat you to some really great physics.


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