Jed Rothwell wrote:

I vote scam. The claim is preposterous, and the supposed output is off by a factor of 7 or more.

...more like 70 than 7.

Let's say they were electrolyzing 5 gallons "per hour," instead of "per minute" - (this info has been passed around the web enough for typos to be repeated) that is still plenty of gas to power an ICE if much of it was short lived chemical intermediaries, or even some kind of stable capacitance - instead of steam.

The transit time from reactor to cylinder is in milliseconds, so even if the capacitance is not stable for much longer - it could somehow be effective. Still there is no indication of anything in independent testing.

I was reluctant to post this at all, as I read about it several weeks ago, when it was first put on eBay - and thought it definitely a scam then - but hey - a money back guarantee is something that an adventuresome person (modern-day Feynman) will surely risk - if only to prove them wrong.

BTW - in looking deeper at the racing company - there have been complaints about their regular products to the racing market - which are unresolved. Which makes me even more sure that this is a scam... (but always hopeful of being proved wrong).


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