
1) Start with a single well shrunken hydrino (p<25, e.g. p=24). 
2) Add one electron to form Hydrinohydride. 
3) Add one proton to form a Hydrino molecule. 
4) With a fast particle, break the Hydrino molecule apart into two well shrunken
5) Return to step one with two Hydrinos iso one, thus doubling your inventory.

This process rapidly converts ordinary Hydrogen atoms directly into well
shrunken Hydrinos, skipping all the intermediary shrinkage steps otherwise
present in the Mills process.
If one starts with a level 24 Hydrino, then the total net energy release per new
Hydrino formed is 7832 eV. 
All the Hydrinos formed are the *same* shrinkage level. They are essentially
"clones" of the original. IOW this method also provides a means of consistently
producing an homogenous population, of any level hydrino between 2 and 24, e.g.
a population of Hydrinos where p=16. This could be extremely useful for chemical
applications, e.g. battery technology. This method is the basis for a Hydrino

Furthermore Hydrino molecules extracted from the "factory" can be used for
fusion, producing on average 10 MeV per Hydrino molecule. Because the Hydrino
molecules all have a consistent size, the fusion process should be easy to
regulate, resulting in a smooth power output.
This is the final piece of the puzzle, that should result in clean fusion with
ordinary Hydrogen as the primary feedstock, and any of many other natural
neutron heavy isotopes as the secondary feedstock.
(See point 6 in:-

It has the added advantage that it makes us independent of Solar derived
Hydrinos with their attendant uncertainties.


Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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