Dear Vo,

  Following is-are some general comment.  The contributor will delete text
that is not
germane ,per se....

      Should the reader[s] wish to commnet or contribute:

(A)  Please use clear text.... OK to refer to known text, contribution
(B)  Prefer BBGB   and ...or.....HB NB BS Engineering.
(C)  If the response is a ""guess"  or a   "theory""  please identify it as
(D)  Most desired will be real known work... performed by the contributor.

On 4/6/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

vortex-digest Digest                            Volume 2007 : Issue 205

Today's Topics:
 [Vo]: Approaches for biological and   [ Jed Rothwell <
 Re: [Vo]: Will it Play in Peoria?     [ Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Re: [Vo]: Biofuel Bonanza - reality   [ Jed Rothwell <
 Re: [Vo]: Biofuel Bonanza - reality   [ Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Re: [Vo]: Biofuel Bonanza - reality   [ Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Re: [Vo]: Biofuel Bonanza             [ Robin van Spaandonk <
 Re: [Vo]: Biofuel Bonanza             [ Robin van Spaandonk <
 Re: [Vo]: Biofuel Bonanza             [ "R.C.Macaulay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 [Vo]: Power Paint                     [ "Terry Blanton" <
 [Vo]: Gravity is a Push               [ Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Re: [Vo]: Gravity is a Push           [ "Terry Blanton" <
 Re: [Vo]: Gravity is a Push           [ Harry Veeder <
 [Vo]: gravity anomaly measured        [ Harry Veeder <
 Re: [Vo]: Gravity is a Push           [ Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Re: [Vo]: Gravity is a Push           [ "Steven Vincent Johnson" <
 Re: [Vo]: Gravity is a Push           [ Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 [Vo]: Fwd: Gravity is a Push          [ "Terry Blanton" <

        [1]    A semi parabolic reflector, such as the dishes used for TV
in the 1970 to 1995 era...
                11 feet in diameter yield from 8 to 15 KW Thermal

      THIS IS reality .....

         The paper below is NOT a good description of any method to use
general sunlight.....
              check it out... PLEASE

Now, here is a good paper -- which I hope is
technically accurate -- that explains a lot about
photosynthesis and plant efficiency:


"The average solar radiation available for a
flat-plate collector in the U.S. is 5 kW·h/m^2
per day (1 kW·h = 3.6 x 10^6 J). Conservatively,
100 million residences, each with an available
roof area of 90 m^2, receive 5 x 10^19 J of solar
energy, which is equal to half of the annual
energy consumption in the U.S. Typical
commercially available PV cells offer nominal
efficiencies of 15%, with higher levels
attainable up to a theoretical efficiency for
silicon PV cells of 32%; however, a significant
fraction of the installation costs are related to
infrastructure, such as supporting framework,
wiring, power inverters, and grid connections.
For example, in a study published in 2003 of a
35-kW PV array (2), the total reported cost was
$239,945 ($6.86/W), with infrastructure
comprising 35–40% of the total amount. This
system saved $2,678 per year in energy costs
compared with the preinstallation expenditures.
If, hypothetically, the same installation could
be made with cells at 1/10 the current price and
32% efficiency but the same infrastructure costs,
the system would cost $100,000 and save $8,000
per year. Based on these values, it is apparent
that improving efficiency and reducing device
costs is vital to using PV technologies but that
addressing infrastructure costs will also be necessary. . . ."

  SO......   100,000 for an old time 11 foot diameter dish????

This paper does not mention green sulfur bacteria.

- Jed

      JED.... et al ... do your own math.....

Jed Rothwell wrote:

> I believe it would take more like 10,000 acres ... Farmland
in Illinois costs between $3,000 and $5,000... so this would
be a $40 million investment for the land alone, processing
equipment would bring the cost up to $140 to $200 million.

50 kilowatts per hour would be too much and 50 kWhr per day would be too
little. Frankly, too little factual detail is known to even guess, and
that was a poor guess at that ...

.... but planners and alternative energy advocates must give the reports
which have been published the benefit of the doubt.

There is a likelihood, based on these reports, that what appears to be
in excess of 100% of the solar energy falling on a pond area is being
converted into biofuel, and that could be true even if only 5% of the
photons were being utilized.

       NB:   11 feet in diameter  .......... 5 to 12  KW Thermal .....

       Cost???   Maybe 30 to 50 USD.....



In reply to  Terry Blanton's message of Thu, 5 Apr 2007 07:10:16 -0400:
>On 4/4/07, Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The one I'm designing right now. :)


Solar power breakthrough at Massey

By MERVYN DYKES - Manawatu Standard | Thursday, 5 April 2007

COLOUR THEIR FUTURE GREEN: Wayne Campbell, left, and Ashton Partridge
with a tiny demonstration solar panel filled with synthetic dye. Not
only is it environmentally friendly and capable of being made in New
Zealand, but it costs a fraction of the price of silicon cells.



The Casimir  :force: is similar to Van der Waals ....
OR:  12 inch by 12 inch  conductive plates one nano meter apart will
and attractive force of about 14.7 pounds/in/sq.... or the same as STP. air

    The plates will then touch one another..... THEN .... to separate the
the entire assembly must be  placed in a fully shielded electromagnetic
barrier or Faraday cage that will block or prevent ALL of the wavelengths
that caused the plates to be pushed toward  one another ..... then you may
separate the two 12 inch by 12
inch plates.... Then you may remove the two plates  from the shielding
and.... again they will be pushed toward one another [ one nano meter] at
pressure equal to air pressure.


     Really good..... big stuff...

Steven Vincent Johnson wrote:
> Interesting.
> According to this timely evidence would it be correct to postulate that
> the Casmir Force is nothing more than a manifestation of the exact same
> "force" as described in Ibson's work, but just on a much smaller scale?


If so - it presents the possible conundrum of a ZPE device which works
on earth but would not work in space... (if the device 'requires' an
'arrow of time' for functionality - instead of nullifying same).

Hope that outcome does not eliminate any chance of NASA funding <g>

Indeed the Earthtech site says "submitted".



 Anyone wish to contribute NON THEORY???


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