anyone had any luck hunting down a di gital version of the pöpel report?

(Pöpel, Franz Rapport  Berich über die Voruntersuchnungen mit Wendelrohren
mit verschniedener Wandform International Report, Institut für
Gesundheitstechnik, Institute of Technology in Stuttgart, 1952.

surely any university dealing with vortical flow mechanics (or
self-organizing flow technology) could benefit from replicating and
proving/disproving this phenomenon.

On 23/03/07, Esa Ruoho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 23/03/07, thomas malloy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Some of the footage was shot down the street at our U of M. I'm Just
> watching that NOVA program gave me a lot of ideas for >>building more water
> vortex generators.  I was particularly impressed with the implosion of the
> tiny bubbles, which caused a water >>hammer effect.  It amazes me that air
> bubbles can be both suddenly created and suddenly collapsed like that.
> I've considered going to that lab and talking to the professors. They
> clearly have the ability to generate powerful vortexes in water. Do you have
> some ideas for experiments that you'd like to try?

it would be amazing to find out what kind of results you get when applying
a sonic frequency to the water during the process of creating a vortex.
...if there is a way of measuring what happens to the sonic frequency the
water is conducting, when the water is forced into a vortex.

also if they could find a way of going through the Prof. Pöpel Report and
replicating those experiments using their technology to verify whether a
vortical movement of water results in negative friction.

(Pöpel, Franz Rapport  Berich über die Voruntersuchnungen mit Wendelrohren
mit verschniedener Wandform International Report, Institut für
Gesundheitstechnik, Institute of Technology in Stuttgart, 1952.

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