Huh?  Heat are photons, too, right.  I mean we aren't bumping
molecules together to get heat off the earth, are we?

I recently had a discussion on whether chloroflorocarbons are
greenhouse gases.  They actually are.  If you deplete the ozone layer,
you allow more UV in.  Since the earth absorbs some of those photons
and reradiates them as IR, then it is so.

We only have two sources of heat, Sol and our radioactive core.  I
have not included the core in my calculations.

I think it's hopeless for me to try this endeavor.  <sigh>


On 4/24/07, Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- Terry  wrote:

 > I'm just trying to understand the mechanism.  The
albedo of the earth reflects multispectrum light back
into the atmosphere.  How many photons are
re-reflected by an additional 80 ppm of CO2?

Is that the main mechanism? For some reason I thought
that CO2 acted by absorbing IR from a warm earth,
which otherwise would be radiated into space. I guess
both mechanisms are in play.

Anyway, even if he AlGore critics are correct that
some, or much, or even most, of the present global
heating situation is caused by increased solar
activity instead of human - that should not imply that
we should not try to do everything possible to
ameliorate and reverse the situation, just because it
is arguably partly "natural".

Can we all agree on that?

If a large "natural" asteroid is headed our way,
shouldn't we try to intercept and nuke it, even if
arguably it is "nature's way" of allowing new kinds of
dominant species to emerge ....?


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