Michel Jullian wrote:

"Greening Earth Society" probably refers to increased vegetal production due to increased CO2. Ingenious naming.

Exactly right. See:


The Society website appears to be defunct:


It has been taken by the Pew Charitable Trust environmental branch, Stop Global Warming and others, which is pretty funny. The last I checked it was an anti-global warming site.

Ah, it seems the coal industry flacks have moved here:


And it turns out Exxon is funding the Society along with the coal industry. (http://www.exxonsecrets.org/html/orgfactsheet.php?id=85) How nice to see them cooperate! They are usually at one-another's throats. They also work together spreading lies and giving bogus Congressional testimony about the dangers of wind energy. As far as I know, they have never attacked cold fusion, presumably because they do not know it exists.

One of their contributors is Mark Mills who is possibly the stupidest individual I have ever come across. He vies for that title with the anti-cold fusion flack Nate Hoffman. Gary Taubes is several tacos short of a platter, but he is cunning and ruthless, and he writes idiotic statements because he does not care about the truth. I believe he told Ed Storms that he does not give a damn whether cold fusion is real or not, he wrote the book for money.

- Jed

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