Xavier at Blaze Labs has just uploaded 2 interesting NASA files, which give further strong evidence AGAINST the standard view of a mostly hydrogen sun, and/or of hydrogen fusing into helium being the only important nuclear reaction-- and which NASA has removed from public view (for whatever unknown reason). To see these, you must sign up for the Blaze Labs Y! group.

Heavy metals, particularly iron, have been confirmed by a NASA solar mission, squirting out of the sun in Solar Flares in amounts which are up to 10,000 times higher than predicted. The results are evidence in favor of Xavier's EMRP gravity theory, and the iron-rich sun model.

BUT there is another (less clear) implication to this ...

... which Xavier did not mention yet (for good reason), and which might have relevance to LENR in condensed matter on earth: that being the possibility that hydrogen and isotopes - when in a quasi-BEC state where there are at least 28 atoms of D2 in one matrix cavity (which is possible in a quasi [i.e. temporary] - condensed state) will fuse all the way into iron in one step (by way of 56Ni).

This route via nickel is a commonly seen cosmological path to iron, as it involves a favored "magic number' of nucleons, but it is presumed to happen via heavier intermediaries, instead of one direct step, which is probably true in the Nova. But not necessarily in the Pd matrix. The nickel quickly decays to 56Fe.

The problem with this having relevance to the sun is that unlike LENR experiments where pure D2 is used, the possibility of having all deuterium in the suns' core is slight... even if - in the gravity field of the sun's core the deuterium might on occasion (if present) be forced into a quasi-BEC state even at the enormous temperatures. That happenstance, as remote as it seems, would involve invoking Frank Grimer's notion of "compreture".

At any rate - every possibility should be examined, in light of the implications of these findings - and this posting is but one first-impression which cropped up, and admittedly might not stand up to closer scrutiny.

Under any circumstances, however, the mostly-hydrogen sun is not supposed to expel heavy metals in flares in the standard model. Consequently, the cynic might opine that the satellite findings are apparently just too much for NASA, as they break so many established 'laws' and notions that the mainstream decided to restrict pubic access, and sweep the problem under the carpet... and if pressed, NASA will likely rationalize and say that they suspect instrument failure of some kind on the satellites, and for that reason withdrew the papers.

...how long will they even be available on the Blaze Y! group in this era of the so-called 'Patriot's Act' ?


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