Forwarded to Vortex on behalf of Michel who seems unable to get through.
On Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:36:57 +0200, "Michel Jullian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>To: <>
>Subject: Re: [Vo]:Britannica "electrolysis" concise article corrected
>From: "Michel Jullian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:19:10 +0200
>Lots of good creative ideas (the triode idea seems complicated though, and 
>resistances will dissipate), but the electrolysis-through-insulators (e.g. 
>glass plates) concept looks the most magical to me, do keep us updated if you 
>get around to trying it.
>Wrt carbon electrodes, it seems that all they do is produce a small amount of 
>CO2 so they probably aren't harmful, see:
>"The electrodes we use are either platinum, which does not react with anything 
>in the system, or carbon, which reacts some of the oxygen produced but still 
>allows most of the gas to escape"

Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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