On Jun 14, 2007, at 6:51 AM, R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Howdy Vorts,

With all the energy info rhetoric emanating out of D.C. and news sources do you sense the public is expecting too much from the energy industry?

It is a case of much too little much too late.

What is your predicted time line for the first really serious "bump" in the road ?

It appears to me we probably don't have long to wait. If the surge doesn't work then trouble is imminent. Congress will force a pull out, maybe even sooner. Some obvious possible follow-on scenarios, in random order, include (a) destruction of oil infrastructure by civil war, (b) Iran running rampant in Iraq and elsewhere followed by international Middle East war (with or without us), (c) preemptive strikes against Iran nuclear facilities by Israel followed by who knows what, (d) general embargo of oil to the US out of general hatred of our culture and spite for our policies, (e) Iran gets the bomb, or one is used, followed by nuclear warfare, (f) a successful terrorist attack followed by rounds of retribution, and the election of a sudden dark horse demagogic war mongering president, a draft, etc., (g) disintegration, chaos, and genocide in Lebanon and the West Bank, followed by intervention by who knows and then by who knows and then by who knows..., (h) a general all out conventional Naval and Air strike on Iranian military and infrastructure in an effort to prevent or minimize any or all of the above for a while.

And then there are the weather scenarios ...

It is just a matter of months, no more than 18.


Horace Heffner

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