From Horace:

> Yes, indeed. Grist for the philosophers. ...and I have
> no definitive answer, other than to reply with the tried
> and true answer of "42."

As good an answer as I have thus far.  I have to wonder at
the prospect of a partial existence outside the body though,
a part of a collective consciousness, a corpuscle in a body
of knowledge.

From what I have gleaned it would seem that many "enlightened"
individuals tend to state (through the application of one metaphor or
another) that our true essence our pure consciousness resides in the
realm of the "un-manifested", that all of our experiences here on
Earth, including our thoughts and feelings are just "form" which
eventually will be discovered to be temporal in nature. Apparently,
the trick is to allow oneself to detach our sense of identity from
temporal form - which in turn allows one to enjoy the show that passes
in front of our consciousness. Detachment in this sense doesn't mean
that "the detached" is no longer engaged in the world, though that is
certainly a valid choice as any other, or that there are no longer
causes worth fighting for, as there most certainly are. However, one's
priorities as to what are really good causes worth spending energy on
are likely to change and evolve in surprising ways, and hopefully for
the good of yourself and the rest of the planet.

> I shall share an amusing story on this very subject,
> administered at my own expense:
> I recently had minor surgery ...

I had a similar valium based memory erasing drug for a
colonoscopy.  I woke up on the table as they were ready to
wheel me out.  They said I "behaved myself," but judging
from the smiles on their faces I expect I did not.  8^)


Horace Heffner

Ah, yes. Another milestone I get to look forward to - soon.

Which only goes to show that one doesn't need to be abducted by aliens
in order to meet our probing requirements.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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