On Jun 25, 2007, at 1:13 PM, Michel Jullian wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Horace Heffner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2007 3:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Air threads

On Jun 24, 2007, at 3:50 PM, Michel Jullian wrote:

I had some trouble coming to terms with this observation myself
when I first experimented with corona discharges, but emitter
current is equal to plate current at all times, not just on
average, even though the ions take ages (milliseconds) to cross the
gap. Try it if you don't believe me.

But we may not have corona discharges here.

Agreed, but corona generated ions are, just like droplets, slow air flying charge carriers, i.e. the conduction mode in which you seem to expect emitter and plate currents not to be equal, except in steady state. I maintain that they are equal at all times, including when the very first carrier starts crossing the gap.

Of course if you add a grid or a ring, or any interfering grounded object in addition to the plate, as in your new circuit diagram below, things are different. Maybe I should have made it clear that what I said only applies when, apart from the plate, there are no other grounded objects around (I thought that was implicit since none was shown on the original circuit diagram).

The ground is always around. It always gets some piece of the action unless it is screened.

A more experienced friend gave me the answer to this apparent
paradox: the plate charge is equal and opposite to the sum of the
charges on the emitter and in the air.

False.  This is true only on average for drops.

No, it is true at all times. The discharge device as a whole remains neutral at all times, like a capacitor or any component, so current in = current out.

Like angels on the point of a pin. Sigh. If you can't accept the ground is around I can see why you think this.

OK, so it appears you want to utterly dismiss the possibility of
drops or filaments, and the effect of the coupling of an AC signal to
other paths through ground, or through a conducting filament.  You
seem to want to consider only DC steady state.

No, what I said applies to instantaneous currents, whatever the waveform, whether steady state or not.

OK, in that case you need to consider the fact the field of the drop couples to the ground, inducing charge there, as well as the plate. The coupling to the plate increases as the drop approaches the plate and correspondingly decreases with the ground. As the drop falls the current increases in the plate.

Similarly, the current into the forming drop varies with the rate of expansion of the surface area of the drop. When a drop breaks off that changes dramatically. An AC signal is generated from the tip. That signal capacitively couples to ground as well as to the plate. It will be seen as stronger in R2 than in R1+R3 below (gosh if R1 and R3 are used we need yet another resistor to measure the summed current. Budget creep begins. 8^)

Within those confines
a ring-pass-through set-up should still be interesting.  Bill did say
he had successfully done that.
              |             |
Emitter       V             |
              .             |
              .             |
Ring    O     .     O       |
                    |       o-----C1----o AC Signal (Optional)
              .     |       |
                    |       |
Plates     ___ ___  |       T1=== AC
           |     |  |       |
           |     |  R4      |
           |  V3 o  |       P
           |     |  |       |
           |     R3 |       |
           |     |  |       |
            |       |      |
            o       o      o
            V1      G      V2

    Fig. 2 - Circuit diagram for ring pass-through drop/thread

Fig. 2 is again a diagram of the ring pass through concept.  It shows
that there is at least one alternate current path through the ring
and thus R4 to ground.  This takes fixed font Courier to view.

In the case of ions, at some ratio of distances, but still
maintaining the stream through the ring to the plates as Bill did, I
would expect a significant amount of the ions go to the ring and not
to the plates (but not so for a true conductive filament). From a
corona R4 would take a significant proportion of the current R1+R3+R4
= R2.

Not if the low current corona emitted a linear string of ions, which is my favorite theory currently.

What prevents the ions from being attracted radially to the ground ring and thus spread? Also, what prevents the ions from flying apart due to mutual repulsion?

Further, of those charges that make it to the plates, I would
not expect a sharp change in current from R3 to R1 as the emitter and
ring are passed from left to right over the plates, but would for a

Ah, this I agree with, the landing area of the flying charges would necessarily be a few mm wide so when crossing the border we could have current on both plates at the same time, which could not happen with a molecular sized filament.

OK, so we agree this is a valid test for a filament. This is good.

It seems to me an AC signal could be placed on the filament, if such exists, to make measuring the proportion of signal on each plate easier. Measuring DC currents is comparatively tough. The conductivity of a filament is better than for air. I'll quote some old stuff now for reference.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "I'm using an old negative ion generator as the power supply. It puts out 10uA maximum, and maybe 10KV to 15KV."

at http://amasci.com/weird/unusual/airhard.html.

"- I connected a microamp meter in series with the plate. It indicated zero. When I let the other HV wire create one furrow in the mist, the meter indicated zero UA. When I brought the cable close, so there were maybe 50 to 70 furrows being drawn along the mist, the meter started flickering, indicating approx. 0.5uA. These ion- streams, if that's what they are, are each delivering an electric current in the range of 10 nanoamperes or less. Jeeze. No wonder nobody ever notices them."

at http://amasci.com/weird/unusual/airexp.html.

Assuming a gap of about an inch for "up close" it sounds like the resistance of the filaments is about R = V/I = (10^4 V)/(10^-8 A) = 10^12 ohm. If there were 50 of them though, as above, there would be a .5 uA signal, which would be readily detected. Might take a pre- amp to get it cleanly though. I don't think you would get a signal like that though an air gap from a fine point.

Having looked at signals through a 10 m tygon tube of flowing electrolyte, and seeing their dependence on flow rate, I would expect some surprises regarding the signals that would be transmitted through such filaments, assuming they exist. Anyway, moving on ...

"In pure water, sensitive equipment can detect a very slight electrical conductivity of 0.055 µS/cm at 25°C."

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water#Electrical_conductivity

This gives us an estimate of the filament cross sectional area:

   A = 1/((1E12 ohm/inch)*(0.055E-6 S/cm)) = 4.6E-9 m^2

and radius:

   r = (A/(2 Pi))^(1/2) = 2.7E-5 m

and diameter:

   d = 2*r = 5.4E-5 m = 5.4 E-3 cm

about the thickness of a human hair. So, the filament is over 10,000 water molecules wide if this is correct.

If flow is moving at the top end speed Bill estimated, about 10 MPH, we get a flow rate per filament of:

   F = (4.6E-9 m^2)*(10 MPH) = 2E-8 m^3/s = 0.02 cm^3/sec

or about 1.2 cm^3 per minute, which sounds a bit high from the description, but maybe very roughly in the ballpark.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End old material

OK, with a radius of 2.7E-5 m, or less if conductivity of the material is higher than for pure water, a really high frequency signal would be good because it will travel mostly by skin effect. Capacitively coupling the signal into the circuit above the power supply sounds like the cheapest and easiest way to go. A small cap made from some thick glass and some foil would probably work. Could use a signal generator for input, maybe one which can amplitude modulate. Run the signal into a step up transformer. It would be neat to be able to get an audio output from the detection side for experimenting. Feed it into a stereo? Maybe this is overkill. *Something* has to be done to improve the current measuring ability though.


Horace Heffner

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