R.C.Macaulay wrote:

Paul wrote,,

It sounds like it could be accelerated-- not sure. I'd be surprised if just anyone could build such a machine using any type of PM and expect "free energy." After glancing at some Perendev motor designs seemed clear it used the same

"It sounds like"... I liked the sound effects too. Varoom!,

I agree. Richard. I assume that the Perendev Motor is an energy consumer, the film doesn't make that clear. I'm wondering why the rotor speed up when he pushed it in a certain way.

That the Bedeni motor is an energy consumer was made clear in the video. Seeing the bicycle wheel with the magnets on the rim. reminds me of my best old late friend Bill. He was going on about how he have invented a F E machine and showed it to Honeywell in the early '50's. This was back when Mr. Adams was going on about how his motor was going to solve the energy crisis. One day I showed Bill my copy of the Kawai Motor patent. Bill asserted that it was "my patent." I replied "I don't see your name any where on this patent." Then Kawai with drew his claims. I told Bill about Mr. Kawai's having realized the error of his ways, and that he could have the patent. Never one to pay much attention to what a kid like me believed, Bill continued to spend money on the bike wheel project. He had a plan to hook the wheel to an automotive alternator. IMHO you might as well put a gerbil wheel in a car.

Actually if you geared it down far enough, that and use the Freak Brothers method of putting methadrine in the gerbil's water supply, that method would work better than the Bedeni design.

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