Some calabi-yau images:

On 7/18/07, Jones Beene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Damn the thought police, full speed behind...

> this underlines the necessity of finding, and building on, a basic
> asymmetry - which has always been the challenge.

Speaking of basic asymmetries: Are spin-waves at the nano level, one
such potential asymmetry, which can be harnessed ? :

... and speaking of 'visualizing' -- how spin waves can be 'hidden' or
'enfolded' in the creation of virtual-dual-pairs....

Not sure if the following image will help - or will even be be available
unless you are a member of Harti's forum. I found it intuitive.;topic=2764.0;attach=10571;image

This is ostensibly a spinor ... courtesy of M. Snoswell in an
interesting thread of postings on an unrelated device (personally, I
remain skeptical on that device itself, but join the forum if you find
it worthwhile)

... and... yes, it is ostensibly unrelated to Horace's recent postulate
of dual pairs. But, on the off-chance that it is helpful... and the
police don't clam it up first...


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