From: Prof. Ludwik Kowalski
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Montclair State University

"What are the odds that two such anathema experimental circumstances, Mills and CF, are unrelated?

The experiments of Mills and those of cold fusion relate to the original disagreement between Bohr and Einstein regarding (Einstein's phrase) the 'missing causal substratum'. (Bohr's rules are actually independent of v, meaning c can substitute for it with no change other than mental interpretation.)

At the time, and to this day, Physics had no ultimate causal understanding of charge behavior in the bond between p and e, a particle, charge, unified field theory deficiency. Thus, Physics must either choose Bohr and Schroedinger or stand in complete public atomic theoretical ignorance for nearly a century. They chose B & S. The inability of Mills experiments and cold fusion experiments to be explained by existing theoretical material exposes this ultimate deficiency from the past."

END of quote

Hmmm ... in answer to the good professor's question: "what are the odds" my guess - and this assumes that Mills could be wrong in the details, but that the he got the basic insight right, and the connection lies in the shrunken orbital somehow allowing an atom of H or D with a tightly bound electron to masquerade as a neutron...

The odds of this being totally wrong ...

... about the same probability that:

the earth is flat, or is the center of the universe
Darwin got it wrong
a "young earth"
no new taxes...
lone gunman....
"I didn't inhale"

I better stop before venturing into political incorrectness...


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