Steven Krivit wrote:

the earth is flat, or is the center of the universe
Darwin got it wrong
a "young earth"
no new taxes...
lone gunman....
"I didn't inhale"

I better stop before venturing into political incorrectness...

Oh, please you're on a roll --

"I didn't have sex with that woman."

Ha - OK first let me correct the quote authorship situation (thanks also to Steve's keen eye, or ear). The quote appears on the Kowalski "Cold Fusion" site, which by the way seems to be drawing a lot of readers:

...but on relook - it is not totally clear who said what - but it now looks very much like John Neergaard is the sayer, not the professor:

Here is the page - about halfway down ---

John Neergaard (BS ChE, PhD Ph) should have been credited.

Back, due to popular demand - to a listmania selection of "improbable statements" (aka- "lies")

    * The check is in the mail.

    * I'll respect you in the morning.

    * I'm from your government, and I am here to help you.

    * It's only a cold sore.

    * You get this one, I'll pay next time.

    * My wife doesn't understand me.

    * Trust me, I'll take care of everything.

    * Of course I love you.

    * I am getting a divorce.

    * Drinking? Why, no, Officer.

    * It's not the money, it's the principle of the thing.

    * I never watch television except for PBS.

    * ...but we can still be good friends.

    * She means nothing to me.

    * Don't worry, I can go 20 miles when the gauge is on "empty."

    * I gave at the office.

    * Don't worry, he's never bitten anyone.

    * I'll call you later.

    * We'll release the upgrade by the end of the year.

    * Read my lips: no new taxes

    * I've never done anything like this before

    * Now, I'm going to tell you the truth

    * It's supposed to make that noise.

    * I *love* your new <hat/haircut/dress/suit...>!

    * ...then take a left. You can't miss it.

    * Yes, I did.

    * Don't worry, it's OK -- I'm sterile...

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