Maxwell's Demon, How to know he is working?

Ambient Ta ~ 23.5 'C (input air temp)

Air pump @ 4 PSIG, adds ~ 0.5 'C to air temp., giving working air temp of Tq
= 24 'C

Outlet (1) T1 = 24 'C
Outlet (2) T2 = 24.6 'C (Demon door installed)

Outlet 1&2 are both @ 4 PSIG and only difference is the Demon door?

Outlet 1 & 2 reach equilibrium with ambient when pump is off (no air flow).

All instruments are calibrated to NIST standards and Outlet 1 & 2 will reach
equilibrium with ambient with no air flow. No obstructions exist in outlets,
except for Temperature and Humidity probes (all the same in each tube). The
outlet ports are at the same elevation above test bench.

What is suggested to insure that the Demon may indeed be present?

Will be trying a cascade of the setup to see if the +0.6 'C can indeed be
increased to a total of +1.2 'C by the addition of the second unit. At the
present insulations is not being employed.

Any suggesting on what should be tried to determine the anomalous increase
in temperature? I would think that if it was the Demon that the outlet (1)
temp should be Tq - 0.6 = T1 ~ 23.4 which is not the case. I would think
that if the Demon was at work that cooling should also be seen.

So that vorts time is not wasted, I will welcome suggestion via private mail
on how the experiment might be monitored so that this strange difference can
be found. Unless found to be a stupid measurement error and vorts want
additional info I will supply a link to the test data.

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