On Jul 21, 2007, at 1:22 AM, William Beaty wrote:

Sounds like the vast community of amateur scientists in China are followers
of Kuhnian revolutionary science, as opposed to "Normal" science.
Fellow crackpots!

  Science fans: A basic description and analysis of the emergence of
  a pseudoscience movement in China
http://whoislisteningtome.blogspot.com/2007/04/science-fans-basic- description-and.html

"Some regard them as mad or crazy, and pity them. Some consider their research as pseudoscience and criticize them. Professional scientists generally think their efforts are useless and their visits and letters to professional organizations are a disturbance."

Say, I resemble that remark! Fellow crackpots for sure. 8^) We need an automatic translating news group facility to communicate with our fellow outcasts. Maybe we can cross-infect. 8^) We could at least share rejection letters. Gee, maybe some have access to the internet and can read this, and in fact *are* reading this now.

Here's my first Gravimagnetics article rejection critique:

"The dictionary defines isomorphism as a one-to-one correspondence
between two mathematical sets. The two mathematical sets considered by
Heffner are (1) electromagnetism and (2) gravitation.  More
specifically, he tries to express the two theories by similar
mathematical equations.  If one of the theories is already complete,
then the missing equations of the other theory can be derived from
mathematical similarity.  This is not an accepted method of finding 'new
science' and Heffner would have great difficulties in publishing his
paper in recognized physics journals. One of the problems of Heffner's
isomophism of relativistic (Einsteinian) electromagnetism is that it has
to be paired with relativistic gravitation, which rules out Newtonian

This incredibly feeble rejection is a sure sign I'm on to something. I feel reasonably certain fellow crackpots would be more receptive to a theory which explains the Pioneer Anomaly, dark energy, dark matter, and the Galaxy Rotation Problem. A theory that beautifully mates to Newton, special relativity, and to a limited degree GR. It succeeds where GR fails in explaining the source of warm matter from black holes, polar jets from black holes having no accretion disk, and powerful magnetic fields from black holes. It explains hundreds of clearly visible naked supermassive high spin black holes precessionally spewing spiral jets of matter out into our visible universe in the course of creating new galaxies superimposed over mirror galaxies. It leads many places...

My main problem, aside from being an uneducated crackpot whose only academic achievement in physics is completion of a freshman course in mechanics in 1962, is the darn article is never done. There are always too many mistakes to correct, and too many new things in the queue to explore or document. It is one fruitful idea generator if nothing else. I won't live long enough to see its fruition.

Horace Heffner

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