At 02:26 PM 7/20/2007 -0400, disingenous Jed Rothwell wrote:

Swartz I do not understand, except for his comments about flow calorimetry, which are wrong.

Continuum electromechanics and engineering may be foreign to Jed Rothwell,
but they are not wrong.

Our papers demonstrated that Rothwell was frankly inept in his calorimetry of the Patterson beads, to wit: by him falsely and deliberately claiming a "kilowatt", through the use of vertical
flow calorimetry while simultaneously refusing to use a thermal control.

In fact, as was discussed at the time on spf, the evidence was that there was nothing like a kilowatt of excess heat. Result: The field was hurt by Rothwell's uncalibrated nonsense. Patterson got a half watt of excess heat which was remarkable, and there was no need for Rothwell to purport it was a 'kilowatt'. In the end, people looked for a kilowatt, and
walked away when it was not there, thus ending Patterson and Motorola's input.

This systematic error was a result of the vertical flow calorimetry, and
has to do with Bernard instability, which like other concepts, Rothwell is oblivious to.
Rothwell ignored the correction, downplayed the result, impugned the work,
and has kept the papers which demonstrate how to do correct flow calorimetry off the LENR site. The second paragraph above is the real reason for the censorship and Jed's putdowns of
of a semiquantitive technique which would have led to a more accurate result.

For those who are interested in science, rather than Rothwell's uncalibrated nonsense, the papers are:
Swartz, M, "Improved Calculations Involving Energy Release Using a
Buoyancy Transport Correction", Journal of New Energy, 1, 3, 219-221 (1996), and
Swartz, M, "Potential for Positional Variation in Flow Calorimetric Systems",
Journal of New Energy, 1, 126-130 (1996), and
Swartz. M.., "Patterns of Failure in Cold Fusion Experiments",
Proceedings of the 33RD Intersociety Engineering Conference on Energy Conversion,
IECEC-98-I229, Colorado Springs, CO, August 2-6, (1998) .

As to the rest of his crap and continual put downs, I will not respond except to say
that when Rothwell was given the papers in pdf form of images (so that he could
not misedit them), he and Storms elected (to this day) to censor them.
In fact, they would not even list the papers were delivered at ICCF10 orally
(including an open demonstation for a week) until more than a year later,
after Dr. Mallove was murdered.

We have said before that it their right to keep the misnamed LENR site censored and to pick whatever papers they want, but in the end as regards flow calorimetry
and the science involved, it is Jed Rothwell who was, and is, wrong.

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