"Judge" Johnson sez:

Under the circumstances it seems to me that if
Dr. Schwartz would be so kind as to upload the disputed
papers to his own web site (as-is?) that this would go
a long way in resolving the controversy.

To which Jed replies:

That, he will never do.


In another recent post Michel Jullian suggests:

, and the ball will be in Mitchell's court,
he might even decide to provide them in the format
you like most if he is not forced to.

To which Jed replies:

The ball is already in his court. He can upload his
papers to his own web site anytime he wants, in any
format he likes. No one is forcing him to provide
anything to me, in any format.


As the librarian for lenr-canr.org I can appreciate your desire that
the website's content maintains a professional appearance and
credibility, that all papers are presented in a clear precise and
readable format. I can understand Dr. Storms as well as your desire
that all papers conform whenever possible to NIST standards – whatever
this official "NIST" term really stands for cuz I really don't know! I
also have no desire to dispute your claim that "Readers care a lot
about format, and even more about presentation quality." I know from
personal experience that no one has EVER bought a smudgy fuzzy piece
of artwork from me.

It is also true that not all brilliant researchers and scientists
possess the capacity to format, to present their findings in the most
logical visual manner, in a so-called "professional" manner. It's
really not anyone's fault as we all possess unique assets as well as
deficits when we came into this world. That is what professional
EDITORS are for, including scientific editors.

Professional editors often perform a thankless job as the requirements
force them to "EDIT" [...to occasionally tamper with the most intimate
details of another person's precious hard work]. This inevitably leads
to potential disagreements as to intent and content of particular
phrases and terminology used. If a writer, for whatever reason, does
not trust the ability of the editor to "edit" his work faithfully, to
accurately maintain the original content of what he/she is trying to
say, explain or reveal, the WRITER/EDITOR relationship should be
terminated ASAP to save everyone untold reams of grief.

The interesting part as I see it in this recent dialogue is a
reoccurring statement that Mr. Rothwell would upload Dr. Schwartz's
papers "as is, without changing a single comma," –IF- the "...paper
[could be supplied to him] in text Acrobat format." Since Dr. Schwartz
has to the best of my knowledge not yet clarified his reasons as to
why the papers have not been supplied to Mr. Rothwell in a text
Acrobat format, I am forced to speculate. Speculating on the
motivations of another individual in the third person and with no
feed-back is ALWAYS a dubious and dangerous position to get mired in.
With that said, I will stick my vulnerable neck out and speculate that
Dr. Schwartz simply might not be able to (for undisclosed reasons)
fulfill Mr. Rothwell's seemingly simple request. I will not speculate
as to what those reasons might be since this is, after all, sheer
speculation on my part.

The only suggestion I could offer Mr. Rothwell and Dr. Storms, which I
want to make it clear neither has asked of me nor from anyone for that
matter, might be to place a great big disclaimer next to the links to
the disputed papers. Make it clear to anyone who might be considering
retrieving the entirety of Dr. Schwarz's disputed papers that what
they are about to retrieve might suffer from a collection of
formatting issues, that it may be difficult to read portions of the
text as well as make sense out of certain charts. Make it clear that
lenr-canr.org cannot be held responsible for the readability, the
content of the information. It seems to me that Lenr-canr.org would
have at that point faithfully fulfilled its obligations and
responsibilities to its readership in giving them fair warning.
Nevertheless, due to what I assume must be strong interest in Dr.
Schwartz's research the web site will cautiously go ahead and make the
entire body of work available anyway, as-is – assuming Dr. Schwartz
authorizes you to upload the original papers.

The short answer: From what I can tell Dr. Schwartz does not appear to
want ANYONE messing with his work in any form, shape or manner. He
appears to want the entire body of his work presented in exactly the
manner that he sent it in, such as to lenr-canr.org. It is up to
lenr-canr.org to decide if they can accept those ground rules.

In my own experience there appear to be few organizations, and far too
few EDITORS who could tolerate such rigid ground rules, where there is
no room for give-and-take. In fact, it might be impossible to fulfill,
literally. Under the circumstances, and as I perceive it, most editors
would simply suggest that the author upload the entirety of their
research at their own web site as-is...and good luck.

Complaining about the circumstances, accusing others of various forms
of professional/ethical misconduct doesn't accomplish much of anything
other than making for juicy gossip at the next CF conference dinner
outing. As for me, I've certainly enjoyed this little foray into the
psychological peccadilloes of others. For a brief spell it made me
forget my own irritating collection. ;-)


"Judge" Johnson

...who was never elected, and is operating without a license.


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