On Jul 23, 2007, at 9:28 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

­ whatever this official "NIST" term really stands for . . .

National Institute of Standards and Technology. (http:// www.nist.gov/) But it is actually a cover operation for Men in Black supported by extraterrestrials. I know this because my dad used to work there and I visited the place when I was a kid.

The men from NSB planted in you some false memories. NIST was formed in 1988 to confuse newcomer aliens and cover up NSB's old tracks.

It is located in Gaithersburg, Maryland, right next door to the plasma fusion lobbying organization, which is also a front organization run by extraterrestrials who are trying to prevent the development of cold fusion. Both are connected Roswell, NM, via a secret underground vacuum transport system. That is due to be replaced with an instantaneous "beam me up, Scotty" transport system like the one in Star Treck. They are having some trouble with flies getting mixed together with the people during transport -- a minor teething problem. That's what happened to Robert Park. Don't believe that cover-up story about the tree falling on him. Of course none of this is shown on their web site, and if you visit NIST they will deny it, but go ahead and ask. Just don't tell them you heard it from me.

Ahhhh... so that explains the STEORN-KINETICA mishap. It was a transporter problem. No wonder there were so many Americans in the background.

Horace Heffner

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