Michel Jullian wrote:

But you do change the content's layout, as I was amazed to discover once.

Yes. It is impossible to preserve the layout from many papers.

Also this scribe work introduces retranscription errors, I pointed one out to you recently.

That is why I have the authors check the papers before I upload. Actually, I usually correct many more mistakes than I make. I mean spelling mistakes and the like.

In the end it's a different paper with (almost) the same words, formulae, and graphs. A library is definitely _not_ supposed to do such alterations . . .

Says who? Why made that rule, and why? Why not fix mistakes? If fixing mistakes and making papers more readable puts LENR-CANR something halfway between a publisher and library, that seems like a good place to be. There is no point to to sticking rigidly to what you define as a "library." No author has ever complained to me because I fixed a spelling error, or reformatted the paper to make it more readable on line. In fact, no author has ever complained to me about anything, except Swarz, and no author has accused me of censorship, except Swartz.

. . . which definitely bring support to Mitchell's position.

Mitchell does not have a position. He refuses to upload papers to his own site and he yells the I am censoring him. That's not a "position" -- it is childish nonsense. You keep claiming that he & I are somehow on an equal basis. Let me remind you of two things:

1. Hundreds of authors had sent me papers, and NOT A SINGLE ONE has complained, except Swartz.

2. It is my web page. I pay for it, and I do all the work now. (When we started several people were a tremendous help, especially Britz, Storms, and Blanton, but I do everything now.) I do not tell Swarz how to run his web page, and he has no business telling me how to run mine. I do not complain that he "censors" because he publishes some papers and not others. I did not even complain when he repeatedly published my papers without permission, or when he accused me of being late and withholding news because he published my paper without permission before Infinite Energy had a chance to publish it!

If Swartz, or you, want to help with LENR-CANR then you can have a say in the matter. But as long as you are sitting out there in the peanut gallery benefiting from LENR-CANR without doing any work or contributing so much as $20, I do not see why I need to listen to either of you.

It makes me wonder, could the reformating routine be an attempt to avoid copyright issues, by deliberately not providing an exact copy?

No, of course not. I would never "attempt" to "avoid" any such thing. If the author or publisher tells me not to upload because of copyright, or for any other reason, I do not upload.

I asked you before, you said you weren't one, but a library. So now LENR-CANR.org is a scientific publisher is it?

You can call it whatever you like. I see no point to quibbling over semantics or definitions. It is what it is. It has a purpose, and I do what I can to advance that purpose, including fixing spelling mistakes and reformatting papers.

- Jed

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