On Jul 24, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Michel Jullian wrote:

I haven't followed this thread for lack of understanding of most of the concepts, is this a new explanation for CF you are proposing Horace?

Yes, and a new approach to obtaining it, though it is based on a lot of prior thinking.

A short summary for dummies would be most welcome, it might help others too.

Here I've consolidated everything as best as I can quickly. I expect it will evolve into an article for my website.


Electron catalyzed fusion is a concept explored in:


and various posts to vortex in 2001 and prior. The following few paragraphs, from the above article, are an initital approach to understanding the concept, which is fairly simple.

Suppose you have three charges, two deutrium nucleii (+) and and electron (-), all in a line in the x axis separated by (an initial) distance of 10^-11 m:

     d1          d2
(+)       (-)          (+)
v1->      v2->

What is the initial net force on each particle? The force between the left deuterium nucleus and the electron and is given by

F1 = q^2/(4 Pi e0 r^2) = 8.98 N

and is to the right towards the electron. The force the two deuterium nucleii is repulsive and is 1/4 the magnitude of the force between the deuterium and the electron because the distance is doubled, i.e. d1 + d2 = 2 d1. So the net force on the left deuteron is 3/4 * 8.98 N = 6.74 N and is to the right. Similarly, the net force on the right deuteron is 6.74 N and is to the left. The net force on the electron balances out to zero... (More follows in the article.)

More discussions regarding electron catalysis of fusion are:



Much discussion has occurred in the cold fusion (LENR) literature regarding the importance of achieving high D/Pd ratios, i.e. high D/ Pd loading ratios, in CF cathodes, and thus high hydrogen fugacity. Fugacity is similar to pressure in that it is a measure of the energy required to add an additional atom to the system. See:


Much work in the field has focused on the difficulty of achieving high fugacity because lattice imperfections exist, electrode metals fail, diffusion occurs into cracks, etc.

Some work has focused on the importance of superimposed electrostatic fields in or on cathodes, specifically that of S. Szpak, P. A. Mosier- Boss, F. E. Gordon. For early work see:


This work noted structural and morphological changes in electrode structure, dendritic growth, etc., in the presence of strong electrostatic fields. Based on this work I suggested a change in cell geometry to maximize field potential at the surface of the cathode, and active area of the cathode. See:


Despite an intense focus on hydrogen fugacity, and some work related to superimposed electrostatic fields, no work has focused on electron fugacity. This is a complex area due to the quantum mechanical requirement for degenerate electrons to occupy ever higher energetic states when their density passes a critical value, and no conduction electron is free to "move". See:


One aspect of achieving high loading coefficients is that free conduction band electrons, which are ionically bound to the adsorbed hydrogen in the lattice, are bound to a specific location when the adsorbed hydrogen reaches saturation and thus can no longer diffuse. In fact, one means of measuring cathode loading is to measure cathode conductivity. A key aspect of achieving high electron fugacity then, when no other means is applied or even known to be of use, is to achieve loading to the point no diffusion can occur. Cracked electrodes, lattice imperfections, unsealed exposed surfaces, and anything else that permits diffusion decreases electron fugacity.

Electron fugacity at the surface of a metal conductor can be increased by raising the potential of the metal. This increase of potential is synonymous with an increase in charge density. Free electrons migrate to the surface of a metal conductor - to a point. When saturation occurs, additional electrons are forced to occupy locations within the volume of the conductor. At very high potentials, orbitals of surface atoms deform out into the space beyond the normal surface.

If sufficient fugacity is achieved the addition of more electrons results in higher energy state of the electrons, not a higher temperature of the electron "gas". It is at this point fusion may possibly be catalysed. High electron energies, reduced deBroglie wavelength, permits electron catalysis of fusion. The 3 body tunneling reaction is energetically increased:

D+ + e- + D+ ---> He++ + e- + energy

D+ + e- + D+ ---> T+ + P + e- + energy

This involves the simultaneous 2 body tunneling of an electron and deuteron to the location of another deuteron. When the fugacity of both hydrogen and electrons reaches a critical point, addition of more energy to the lattice results in fusions. This is an energy focusing effect. An increase in the group energy state, i.e. group fugacity, results in a pressure outlet involving only a few members.

Note that the catalytic electron escape reduces the resultant nuclear temperature. The branching ratios from an electron catalyzed reaction will differ from those of a kinetic fusion reaction.

The surface electron fugacity of a cathode can be achieved by increasing the electrostatic potential of the cathode, and thus the electrostatic field at the cathode surface. It can also be increased by a bumpy or dendritic surface.

An alternative way, or more importantly an additional way, to increase the electric field strength at an electrode surface is to bounce a laser beam off of it at a high angle of deflection. Laser stimulation of a very high negative potential cathode surface may work in a gas environment, provided the surface outgassing is controlled by choice of a surface metal with a low hydrogen permeability and which sustains both a high hydrogen and high electron fugacity. Such a surface can be fed adsorbed hydrogen via a Pd backing.


If sufficient electron and deuteron fugacity is achieved the probability of a 3 body tunneling reaction is energetically increased:

D+ + e- + D+ ---> He++ + e- + energy

D+ + e- + D+ ---> T+ + P + e- + energy

This involves the simultaneous 2 body tunneling of an electron and deuteron to the location of another deuteron. When the fugacity of both hydrogen and electrons reaches a critical point, addition of more energy to the lattice results in fusions. This is an energy focusing effect. An increase in the group energy state, i.e. group fugacities, results in a pressure outlet involving wavefunction collapse of only a few members. Let us examine how this might change branching ratios.

The following are standard hot branching ratios:

   D + D  -->  T(1.01 MeV)  + p(3.03 MeV)          (4.03 MeV, 50%)
   D + D  -->  3He(0.82 MeV)  + n(2.45 MeV)         (3.27 MeV, 50%)
   D + D  -->  4He( 76 keV) + gamma (23.8 MeV)      (23.9 MeV, 1x10^-6)

The initial effect of an electron in a newly fused combined nucleus is to reduce its potential energy. The tunneling of two deuterons and an electron to a point is the result of a wavefunction collapse. The amount of energy lost in the wavefunction collapse is dependent on the size of the combined intermediate result.

From the electric potential energy Pe for separating an electron from two deuterons we have:

  Pe = k (-2q)(q)(1/r) = (2.88x10^-9 eV m) (1/r)

which we can rearrange to obtain r for a given potential energy,

   r = (2.88x10^-9 eV m) (1/Pe)

and we have for 23.9 MeV:

  r = (2.88x10^-9 eV m) (1/(23.9x10^6 eV))

  r = 1.2x10^-16 m

which is about 10 times the diameter of a quark, and thus in the realm of credibility. It is feasible for the wavefunction collapse to initially consume all the available fusion energy.

If the three interacting particles collapse to a point, or even to quark size, then all the 23.9 MeV available from ordinary hot fusion (and more) is consumed. This is certainly an energetically favorable tunneling reaction! Further, given that the collapsed intermediate nucleus radius is variable in size, according to some probability distribution, the we can see that the neutron producing reaction, having the least energy available from the reaction (3.27 MeV), would necessarily be the least likely branch path. Thus we can see how electron catalyzed fusion produces an initially cool nucleus, and favors the reaction D + D --> He.

However, the nucleus can't stay cool. The confined electron gains energy from the vacuum, and from its immediate neighbors. It gains energy until it has sufficient energy to tunnel out, and take some kinetic energy with it also. In the process of the electron gaining energy, while it and the deuterons are confined in and experiencing accelerations within the energetic nucleus, it can be expected to radiate. This is the energy of cold fusion, of electron catalyzed fusion - protracted low energy gammas and beta radiation. The most likely product is He, and the second most likely product, though comparatively rare, is T. The least likely products are He3 and neutrons.

Horace Heffner

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