Horace is way ahead of most of us on the subject of degenerate electrons (dg). But very few observers have covered all the bases of how they and overpotential in general, relate to LENR...

...perhaps one way is through the evo phenomena.

There is a wealth of material on the internet of course, and of varying reliability. Just now, I have been trying to pin a down a possible connection between (dg) and Ken Shoulder's evo (formerly ev).

First, in the process, this came up (it is easy to get distracted in this kind of search):

"The Sun's old age: quantum effects, pressure due to degenerate electrons" Now that is a tantalizing title.


which is interesting for many reasons, but also relevant to CF.

Think of the active LENR site as a "nano white dwarf" due to localized transitory BEC effects ??


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