Earlier, I wrote:

The NHK report showing on the reactor said that the radioactive water leak came from a holding tank for spent fuel rods. That's appalling!

What is even worse is that this holding tank appears to be an above-ground large steel box-like structure. Maybe the video image was off . . .

The video image was off, or maybe I did not see what the camera was pointed at, with all the clutter of equipment. Yesterday, NHK explained how the leak occurred. The event is understandable. The spent-fuel pool is an in-ground concrete structure. They broadcast a surveillance camera showing the pool during the earthquake. The water was agitated and splashed around by the earthquake. It looks like a bucket of water that someone is shaking. A couple of tons of water splashed out, and some of this drained into pipes that empty offshore. The rest was mopped up and there is now a large pile of what look like sponges to me, which are classified as low level radwaste.

It should not have taken them 10 days to get around to explaining this. The slow release of information is urging public confidence, which is already at a low ebb.

Other serious damage at the plant has been revealed in recent days. An overhead traveling crane is broken. It was also shown on NHK. It will have to be fixed before they can open up some of the reactors to investigate the condition of the reactor cores.

- Jed

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