Horace said "I think we ought to see this email".

OK, here is the email in its entirety at the bottom with just a few asterisks to protect the niceties. It's not that shocking. Remember who set the tone first with their "green crowd" and "bigmouth" cracks. I am sick to death of self opinionated people, sure in their vanity, loudly attempting to hold environmentalists up to ridicule when, it has to be said, Greenies are being proved to have been right decades before anybody else, whether scientists, politicians or any authority figure you can mention. Please get this very clear - Green is sense. It always was, it always will be. If you don't think or believe this, then you seriously need to re-educate yourself because something is wrong in your thinking. It is not an issue of freedom of speech or right to expression - those things only apply to intra-human matters. When it comes to survival of species and protecting the life support systems of Earth so that we and the other life on Earth are not seriously handicapped in survival terms, then we are outside of the sphere of human rights. We are slap bang in the middle of the sphere of human responsibilities. Every person who spreads environmental lies, foolishness and propaganda, whether deliberately or not, or who cannot comprehend the situation we are in, has a duty to not do so. If they feel that infringes on their human right to free speech then that is tough. Duties and responsibilities outrank rights. The fact that I have to defend this viewpoint at all shows how far we have gone down a wrong turning. Unfortunately people have been brainwashed so much by this "Me generation" outlook that too many people seem to think that merely having a viewpoint means that their ideas are as valid as everybody else's.

This topic was started off by Richard "Dime box" Macaulay looking for a new economic model because of the increasing evidence that the current one is deeply flawed. I hadn't got around to mentioning sustainable or green economics which has been around for ages. I introduced the basics to our local government's "chancellor" in about 1990 - he hadn't heard about it then. Everybody will eventually hear about it when the current financial madness subsides.

The email which was sent directly to self confessed Glaswegian Philip Winestone follows:-

Below is the uncensored version of my Vortex reply to your mindbogglingly stupid viewpoint. You have been brainwashed by the energy establishment. Are you smart enough to realise and get your head clear again?
Philip Winestone frothed at the mouth and ranted
<<The main problem, as I believe we all know, is that the "green crowd" don't want us burning ANYTHING, so the proposal to dig up coal and use if for ANYTHING will be met with fierce resistance, mostly by bigmouths.>>

See the very latest report from the IPCC released a day or so ago. Fear for your future. Consider who the madmen are - the people like you who keep on coming out with your irrational viewpoint decades after the clever people realised the forthcoming problems and the obvious solutions and let the rest of the world know. I really have had it up to here with big mouthed, little knowledged idiots like you who are just plain f***ing STUPID

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