Nick Palmer posted..

and going even further back yet, before the energy greedy consumer society
was even defined... even before "Silent Spring" was published....

<<Many of the scientists involved with this marathon effort (the IPCC - NP)
have spent more than half their lives trying to clarify what may come from
what Roger Revelle, in an understated line, described in a 1957 paper as a
"large scale geophysical experiment.">> This page should make people weep for
the stupidity of some of humanity. It wouldn't be stretching the truth too
much to call Revelle and his colleagues unsung Galileos. "E pur si muove".

Howdy Nick,
Back in those days I was a member of the Sierra Club..later dropped when they began endorsing political candidates.See an article that gives some insight into the complexity of the struggle over carbon credits abuse. Makes you wonder, if perhaps there are three side to both sides with each side taking opposite positions. The Monkey's Fist.


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