thomas malloy wrote:

With regards to suppression of LENR by the scientific establishment, I assume that Jed's book does a good job of laying out the case.

No, I barely touch the subject. Beaudette and Krivit did a good job.

The one incident of suppression that I would like to add to the record was when the New Scientist printed the starting data from Fleischmann's experiment (Fig. A), and claimed it was the ending high-heat data (Fig. B). That was a travesty! It was obviously deliberate because Tinsley, Fleischmann and others informed them and they never issued a correction.

Skeptics often say that any claim of suppression is paranoid and a conspiracy theory. Bill Beaty came up with the best response to this: "Do racists 'conspire' to suppress minorities? Do sexists 'conspire' to suppress woman employees? Of course not."

- Jed

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