p. 254 - The Waitaha prophecy predicts a pivotal moment in history on
August 15, 2009.  This event will be the beginning of a new human dream, a
dream almost identical to the Mayan belief tht the heavens will open and our
brothers and sisters of the universe will reveal themselves.
p. 265 (Ch. 22) - The Serpent of Light is in its geographical location (N.
Chile) is in its geographical location for the next 13,000 years and is
functioning perfectly.  The Unity Grid above the Earth, which holds and
focuses human consciousness and allows it to move into higher consciousness,
will finally be completely adjusted by the middle of 2008.  There is still a
little bit more that must be done, but not much.  On my end (Drunvalo's),
there must be a trip to Easter Island to heal a certain aspect of the Maori,
and one last ceremony on the island of Moorea (see www.drunvalo.net for
scheduled event) to complete the Unity Grid and actually turn it on in a way
the world has not seen yet.
    The year 2009 will bring the first real connection with life from other
worlds, which could not have occurred before the Unity Grid was functioning
in a specific manner.  This is a prophecy coming from several indigenous
people, including the Maya and the Waitaha.
    By December 12, 2012, the Precession of the Equinox will complete
itself, and the beginning of a new cycle of another 13,000 years will be
initiated.  By this time the old cycle and the old male ways of controlling
human life will be in disarray.
    By that time, the female will be in control of leading humankind back
into the Light.  And on February 18-19, 2013, the Maya will perform the
first ceremony of the new cycle, which will trigger the opening of all life
everywhere to begin interchange with humanity in a "personal" manner, and
humanity will begin a rapid healing of the remaining people on Earth.  By
that time, February 19, 2013, Earth's human population is more than likely
going to have been reduced dramatically, but those that are still here on
Earth will truly begin to show love and caring as the new way of the world.
    What I am saying is that the next few years will be the most important
years in human history.  We will survive these vast changes in human
understanding with the help of Mother Earth and her Serpent of Light, as we
have many times before, but never before has the universe opened to us as it
will in the coming years.
    The secret is Unconditional Love, which will present itself through
human beings who will change life of Earth forever.  Most of these human
beings will be children or young adults who have found their way into their
hearts.  And it will be the women who will understand and follow the
children into their hearts and take this new way of being to the world.
Finally, probably with great trepidation, the men will make the
transformation that will truly complete the cycle.  It is almost always this
    It is the images or dreams that come from the hearts of these children
that will be the power that actually makes these changes.  The children and
the women will be the first to enter into the act of creation and change the
world from within.

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