It will be interesting to find out if Kerviel has Arab (or 
Iranian) contacts, or has recently converted to Islam.

Surely it is far more likely that Kerviel has Israeli contacts or has recently 
converted to Judaism.

After all, it is to the advantage of Israel and its devoted Jewish supporters 
around the world, that the USA be hurt by what appears to be Arab and Iranian 
terrorists, thus sucking Bush into yet another war, this one against Iran.

It is to the great disadvantage of Iran that it should provoke in this way an 
already-provoked giant.

The only moral question for the Jews who are, presumably, behind this, is 
whether or not it is good for Israel and the Jewish people. The answer in the 
case of this 'economic terrorism' is obvious: it is good for them, as long as 
it can be blamed, however vaguely, on the Arabs and Iranians.

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