Another submarine telecom cable in the Middle East has
been severed, adding to global net problems caused by
breaks in two lines under the Mediterranean two days
earlier. The mundane explanation of "anchors" has been
ruled out now. This is now looking intentional.

It could merely be three aligned random problems and
not evidence of a conspiracy, yet the close timing is
suspicious... but of what?

The Falcon cable is off Dubai, and owned by the Indian
firm Reliance, which also owned one of the other

Reliance maybe a takeover target, and the English
company Vodaphone has been extraordinarily aggressive
in expansion in International Telecom. Reliance and
Vodaphone have been involved in 'ungentlemanly'
conduct prior to this, involving acquisitions.

Competitors have accused Vodaphone of dirty tricks,
and that is not unusual for such a fast-paced outfit.
If this recent cable-cutting, which will cost millions
to repair, is a conspiracy for commercial gain of some
kind, and not random ... then it looks like Reliance
is the target. Or is this more likely a tactic which
one would expect at higher levels ? ... if, say one
nation in the region felt threatened.

I suspect that many of her neighbors would like to
blame Israel and Mossad for this, or else blame the
USA, as perhaps a preliminary act before invading
Iran, but a quick search of the Net turns up zero
evidence for any of that. 


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