OrionWorks wrote:

Thomas sez:

TheTwincities Creation Science Society has a DVD of
Dr. Dawkins debating another scientist. He seems so
reasonable. OTOH, he maintians that teaching your children
about the Bible is child abuse. Those are fighting words!
Surprisingly, there are times when I actually sympathize with your POV
even though as you well know, typically I don't. I have an old science

Incidentally, if the tables had been turned and the only official
philosophy taught in schools was atheism I suspect you would consider
that child abuse, would you not?
That is what is being taught in the schools, thank you. At last night's Republican caucus, I introduced a resolution, it would have allowed school's to present different world views, it failed. The World continues to deteriorate

Pehaps you and Mr. Dawkins are not that different from one another.
Night and day.

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