OrionWorks wrote:

PS: Yesterday in the mists of observing the whiteout I noticed several of my colleagues at work (who are of the conservative persuasion) who appeared to be positively gleeful. I gather that yesterday's winter demonstration was proof, from their POV, that Global Warming is nothing more than a crock hatched by the liberals, that Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" crusade is a bunch of hooey.

Typical amateur mistakes. Very annoying. See:

Biased sample
Hasty generalization
Misleading vividness


I don't mind extreme left-wing or right-wing arguments, but it bothers me that people are so uneducated they make logical errors and they don't ever realize it. It bothers me even more when they are educated, they do realize these are fallacies, but they say them anyway to deceive the public. You hear a lot of that during election campaigns.

My sense is that people at both political extremes tend to do this, but I may be making a Hasty Generalization error.

Many cold fusion papers have logical errors. Before you even get to the data and equations, you can toss out the paper because the basic reasoning is wrong. This is true of some pro- and some anti-cold fusion papers. I think in the old days scholars and educated people were more rigorously trained in basic logic, and less inclined to make such errors, but perhaps that is a romantic illusion about the past.

- Jed

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